DirectX 10 教程12:文字引擎
原文地址:Tutorial 12: Font Engine(。
在屏幕上绘制文字是任何一个程序非常重要的功能。在DirectX 10中绘制2D文字需要首先理解如何绘制2D图像,这在上一个教程中已经介绍过了,而这教程基于上一个教程。
下面就是索引文件的内容。文件的格式为:[字符的Ascii码] [字符] [左边的纹理U坐标] [右边的纹理U坐标] [字符的像素宽度]
32 0.0 0.0 0 33 ! 0.0 0.000976563 1 34 " 0.00195313 0.00488281 3 35 # 0.00585938 0.0136719 8 36 $ 0.0146484 0.0195313 5 37 % 0.0205078 0.0302734 10 38 & 0.03125 0.0390625 8 39 ' 0.0400391 0.0410156 1 40 ( 0.0419922 0.0449219 3 41 ) 0.0458984 0.0488281 3 42 * 0.0498047 0.0546875 5 43 + 0.0556641 0.0625 7 44 , 0.0634766 0.0644531 1 45 - 0.0654297 0.0683594 3 46 . 0.0693359 0.0703125 1 47 / 0.0712891 0.0751953 4 48 0 0.0761719 0.0820313 6 49 1 0.0830078 0.0859375 3 50 2 0.0869141 0.0927734 6 51 3 0.09375 0.0996094 6 52 4 0.100586 0.106445 6 53 5 0.107422 0.113281 6 54 6 0.114258 0.120117 6 55 7 0.121094 0.126953 6 56 8 0.12793 0.133789 6 57 9 0.134766 0.140625 6 58 : 0.141602 0.142578 1 59 ; 0.143555 0.144531 1 60 < 0.145508 0.151367 6 61 = 0.152344 0.15918 7 62 > 0.160156 0.166016 6 63 ? 0.166992 0.171875 5 64 @ 0.172852 0.18457 12 65 A 0.185547 0.194336 9 66 B 0.195313 0.202148 7 67 C 0.203125 0.209961 7 68 D 0.210938 0.217773 7 69 E 0.21875 0.225586 7 70 F 0.226563 0.232422 6 71 G 0.233398 0.241211 8 72 H 0.242188 0.249023 7 73 I 0.25 0.250977 1 74 J 0.251953 0.256836 5 75 K 0.257813 0.265625 8 76 L 0.266602 0.272461 6 77 M 0.273438 0.282227 9 78 N 0.283203 0.290039 7 79 O 0.291016 0.298828 8 80 P 0.299805 0.306641 7 81 Q 0.307617 0.31543 8 82 R 0.316406 0.323242 7 83 S 0.324219 0.331055 7 84 T 0.332031 0.338867 7 85 U 0.339844 0.34668 7 86 V 0.347656 0.356445 9 87 W 0.357422 0.370117 13 88 X 0.371094 0.37793 7 89 Y 0.378906 0.385742 7 90 Z 0.386719 0.393555 7 91 [ 0.394531 0.396484 2 92 \ 0.397461 0.401367 4 93 ] 0.402344 0.404297 2 94 ^ 0.405273 0.410156 5 95 _ 0.411133 0.417969 7 96 ` 0.418945 0.420898 2 97 a 0.421875 0.426758 5 98 b 0.427734 0.432617 5 99 c 0.433594 0.438477 5 100 d 0.439453 0.444336 5 101 e 0.445313 0.450195 5 102 f 0.451172 0.455078 4 103 g 0.456055 0.460938 5 104 h 0.461914 0.466797 5 105 i 0.467773 0.46875 1 106 j 0.469727 0.472656 3 107 k 0.473633 0.478516 5 108 l 0.479492 0.480469 1 109 m 0.481445 0.490234 9 110 n 0.491211 0.496094 5 111 o 0.49707 0.501953 5 112 p 0.50293 0.507813 5 113 q 0.508789 0.513672 5 114 r 0.514648 0.517578 3 115 s 0.518555 0.523438 5 116 t 0.524414 0.527344 3 117 u 0.52832 0.533203 5 118 v 0.53418 0.539063 5 119 w 0.540039 0.548828 9 120 x 0.549805 0.554688 5 121 y 0.555664 0.560547 5 122 z 0.561523 0.566406 5 123 { 0.567383 0.570313 3 124 | 0.571289 0.572266 1 125 } 0.573242 0.576172 3 126 ~ 0.577148 0.583984 7
本教程会添加叫做TextClass,FontClass和FontShaderClass的新类。FontShaderClass是用于绘制字体的shader,类似于上一个教程中绘制图像的TextureShaderClass类。FontClass 保存字体数据以及构建绘制文字所需的顶点缓存。TextClass包含每组字符串所需的顶点和索引缓存,它使用FontClass创建句子使用的顶点缓存,然后使用FontShaderClass绘制这些缓存。
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: fontclass.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _FONTCLASS_H_ #define _FONTCLASS_H_ ////////////// // INCLUDES // ////////////// #include <fstream> using namespace std; /////////////////////// // MY CLASS INCLUDES // /////////////////////// #include "textureclass.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class name: FontClass //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class FontClass { private:
struct FontType { float left, right; int size; };
struct VertexType { D3DXVECTOR3 position; D3DXVECTOR2 texture; }; public: FontClass(); FontClass(const FontClass&); ~FontClass(); bool Initialize(ID3D10Device*, char*, WCHAR*); void Shutdown(); ID3D10ShaderResourceView* GetTexture();
void BuildVertexArray(void*, char*, float, float); private: bool LoadFontData(char*); void ReleaseFontData(); bool LoadTexture(ID3D10Device*, WCHAR*); void ReleaseTexture(); private: FontType* m_Font; TextureClass* m_Texture; }; #endif
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: fontclass.cpp /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "fontclass.h"
FontClass::FontClass() { m_Font = 0; m_Texture = 0; } FontClass::FontClass(const FontClass& other) { } FontClass::~FontClass() { }
bool FontClass::Initialize(ID3D10Device* device, char* fontFilename, WCHAR* textureFilename) { bool result; // Load in the text file containing the font data. result = LoadFontData(fontFilename); if(!result) { return false; } // Load the texture that has the font characters on it. result = LoadTexture(device, textureFilename); if(!result) { return false; } return true; }
void FontClass::Shutdown() { // Release the font texture. ReleaseTexture(); // Release the font data. ReleaseFontData(); return; }
bool FontClass::LoadFontData(char* filename) { ifstream fin; int i; char temp;
// Create the font spacing buffer. m_Font = new FontType[95]; if(!m_Font) { return false; }
// Read in the font size and spacing between chars.; if( { return false; } // Read in the 95 used ascii characters for text. for(i=0; i<95; i++) { fin.get(temp); while(temp != ' ') { fin.get(temp); } fin.get(temp); while(temp != ' ') { fin.get(temp); } fin >> m_Font[i].left; fin >> m_Font[i].right; fin >> m_Font[i].size; } // Close the file. fin.close(); return true; }
void FontClass::ReleaseFontData() { // Release the font data array. if(m_Font) { delete [] m_Font; m_Font = 0; } return; }
bool FontClass::LoadTexture(ID3D10Device* device, WCHAR* filename) { bool result; // Create the texture object. m_Texture = new TextureClass; if(!m_Texture) { return false; } // Initialize the texture object. result = m_Texture->Initialize(device, filename); if(!result) { return false; } return true; }
void FontClass::ReleaseTexture() { // Release the texture object. if(m_Texture) { m_Texture->Shutdown(); delete m_Texture; m_Texture = 0; } return; }
ID3D10ShaderResourceView* FontClass::GetTexture() { return m_Texture->GetTexture(); }
void FontClass::BuildVertexArray(void* vertices, char* sentence, float drawX, float drawY) { VertexType* vertexPtr; int numLetters, index, i, letter; // Coerce the input vertices into a VertexType structure. vertexPtr = (VertexType*)vertices; // Get the number of letters in the sentence. numLetters = (int)strlen(sentence); // Initialize the index to the vertex array. index = 0;
// Draw each letter onto a quad. for(i=0; i<numLetters; i++) { letter = ((int)sentence[i]) - 32; // If the letter is a space then just move over three pixels. if(letter == 0) { drawX = drawX + 3.0f; } else { // First triangle in quad. vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3(drawX, drawY, 0.0f); // Top left. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].left, 0.0f); index++; vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3((drawX + m_Font[letter].size), (drawY - 16), 0.0f); // Bottom right. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].right, 1.0f); index++; vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3(drawX, (drawY - 16), 0.0f); // Bottom left. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].left, 1.0f); index++; // Second triangle in quad. vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3(drawX, drawY, 0.0f); // Top left. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].left, 0.0f); index++; vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3(drawX + m_Font[letter].size, drawY, 0.0f); // Top right. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].right, 0.0f); index++; vertexPtr[index].position = D3DXVECTOR3((drawX + m_Font[letter].size), (drawY - 16), 0.0f); // Bottom right. vertexPtr[index].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(m_Font[letter].right, 1.0f); index++; // Update the x location for drawing by the size of the letter and one pixel. drawX = drawX + m_Font[letter].size + 1.0f; } } return; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: font.fx //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// // GLOBALS // ///////////// matrix worldMatrix; matrix viewMatrix; matrix projectionMatrix; Texture2D shaderTexture;
float4 pixelColor; /////////////////// // SAMPLE STATES // /////////////////// SamplerState SampleType { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; };
这个shader的第二个变化是多了一个叫做AlphaBlendingState的混合状态。Blending让字体和背景的3D对象混合在一起。如果没有打开混合,我们会看到文字下面的黑色三角形。而如果打开混合,那么只有文字的像素会显示在屏幕上,而三角形完全不可见。用于混合状态的结构体叫做D3D10_BLEND_DESC,这个新混合状态与默认值几乎完全一样,只有一个区别——destination blend设置为invert source alpha。本教程我不准备详细讲解混合,你只需知道本教程需要一个简单的混合才能显示正确。
///////////////////// // BLENDING STATES // ///////////////////// BlendState AlphaBlendingState { BlendEnable[0] = TRUE; DestBlend = INV_SRC_ALPHA; }; ////////////// // TYPEDEFS // ////////////// struct VertexInputType { float4 position : POSITION; float2 tex : TEXCOORD0; }; struct PixelInputType { float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 tex : TEXCOORD0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vertex Shader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PixelInputType FontVertexShader(VertexInputType input) { PixelInputType output; // Change the position vector to be 4 units for proper matrix calculations. input.position.w = 1.0f; // Calculate the position of the vertex against the world, view, and projection matrices. output.position = mul(input.position, worldMatrix); output.position = mul(output.position, viewMatrix); output.position = mul(output.position, projectionMatrix); // Store the texture coordinates for the pixel shader. output.tex = input.tex; return output; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pixel Shader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float4 FontPixelShader(PixelInputType input) : SV_Target { float4 color; // Sample the texture pixel at this location. color = shaderTexture.Sample(SampleType, input.tex); // If the color is black on the texture then treat this pixel as transparent. if(color.r == 0.0f) { color.a = 0.0f; } // If the color is other than black on the texture then this is a pixel in the font so draw it using the font pixel color. else { color.rgb = pixelColor.rgb; color.a = 1.0f; } return color; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Technique //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// technique10 FontTechnique { pass pass0 { SetBlendState(AlphaBlendingState, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0xFFFFFFFF); SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_4_0, FontVertexShader())); SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_4_0, FontPixelShader())); SetGeometryShader(NULL); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: fontshaderclass.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _FONTSHADERCLASS_H_ #define _FONTSHADERCLASS_H_ ////////////// // INCLUDES // ////////////// #include <d3d10.h> #include <d3dx10.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class name: FontShaderClass //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class FontShaderClass { public: FontShaderClass(); FontShaderClass(const FontShaderClass&); ~FontShaderClass(); bool Initialize(ID3D10Device*, HWND); void Shutdown(); void Render(ID3D10Device*, int, D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX, ID3D10ShaderResourceView*, D3DXVECTOR4); private: bool InitializeShader(ID3D10Device*, HWND, WCHAR*); void ShutdownShader(); void OutputShaderErrorMessage(ID3D10Blob*, HWND, WCHAR*); void SetShaderParameters(D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX, ID3D10ShaderResourceView*, D3DXVECTOR4); void RenderShader(ID3D10Device*, int); private: ID3D10Effect* m_effect; ID3D10EffectTechnique* m_technique; ID3D10InputLayout* m_layout; ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* m_worldMatrixPtr; ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* m_viewMatrixPtr; ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* m_projectionMatrixPtr; ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* m_texturePtr;
FontShaderClass多了一个指向shader中的pixel color变量的指针。
ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* m_pixelColorPtr; }; #endif
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: fontshaderclass.cpp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "fontshaderclass.h" FontShaderClass::FontShaderClass() { m_effect = 0; m_technique = 0; m_layout = 0; m_worldMatrixPtr = 0; m_viewMatrixPtr = 0; m_projectionMatrixPtr = 0; m_texturePtr = 0;
在构造函数中将pixel color指针初始化为null。
m_pixelColorPtr = 0; } FontShaderClass::FontShaderClass(const FontShaderClass& other) { } FontShaderClass::~FontShaderClass() { }
Initialize方法加载和编译HLSL font shader文件。
bool FontShaderClass::Initialize(ID3D10Device* device, HWND hwnd) { bool result; // Initialize the shader that will be used to draw the triangle. result = InitializeShader(device, hwnd, L"../Engine/font.fx"); if(!result) { return false; } return true; }
void FontShaderClass::Shutdown() { // Shutdown the shader effect. ShutdownShader(); return; }
Render设置shader参数,然后使用font shader绘制缓存,除了多了一个pixelColor参数,代码与TextureShaderClass是相同的。
void FontShaderClass::Render(ID3D10Device* device, int indexCount, D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix, ID3D10ShaderResourceView* texture, D3DXVECTOR4 pixelColor) { // Set the shader parameters that it will use for rendering. SetShaderParameters(worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, texture, pixelColor); // Now render the prepared buffers with the shader. RenderShader(device, indexCount); return; }
InitializeShader方法加载HLSL font shader,准备指向font shader的指针变量。
bool FontShaderClass::InitializeShader(ID3D10Device* device, HWND hwnd, WCHAR* filename) { HRESULT result; ID3D10Blob* errorMessage; D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC polygonLayout[2]; unsigned int numElements; D3D10_PASS_DESC passDesc; // Initialize the error message. errorMessage = 0; // Load the shader in from the file. result = D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile(filename, NULL, NULL, "fx_4_0", D3D10_SHADER_ENABLE_STRICTNESS, 0, device, NULL, NULL, &m_effect, &errorMessage, NULL); if(FAILED(result)) { // If the shader failed to compile it should have writen something to the error message. if(errorMessage) { OutputShaderErrorMessage(errorMessage, hwnd, filename); } // If there was nothing in the error message then it simply could not find the shader file itself. else { MessageBox(hwnd, filename, L"Missing Shader File", MB_OK); } return false; }
// Get a pointer to the technique inside the shader. m_technique = m_effect->GetTechniqueByName("FontTechnique"); if(!m_technique) { return false; } // Now setup the layout of the data that goes into the shader. // This setup needs to match the VertexType stucture in the ModelClass and in the shader. polygonLayout[0].SemanticName = "POSITION"; polygonLayout[0].SemanticIndex = 0; polygonLayout[0].Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT; polygonLayout[0].InputSlot = 0; polygonLayout[0].AlignedByteOffset = 0; polygonLayout[0].InputSlotClass = D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA; polygonLayout[0].InstanceDataStepRate = 0; polygonLayout[1].SemanticName = "TEXCOORD"; polygonLayout[1].SemanticIndex = 0; polygonLayout[1].Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT; polygonLayout[1].InputSlot = 0; polygonLayout[1].AlignedByteOffset = D3D10_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT; polygonLayout[1].InputSlotClass = D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA; polygonLayout[1].InstanceDataStepRate = 0; // Get a count of the elements in the layout. numElements = sizeof(polygonLayout) / sizeof(polygonLayout[0]); // Get the description of the first pass described in the shader technique. m_technique->GetPassByIndex(0)->GetDesc(&passDesc); // Create the input layout. result = device->CreateInputLayout(polygonLayout, numElements, passDesc.pIAInputSignature, passDesc.IAInputSignatureSize, &m_layout); if(FAILED(result)) { return false; } // Get pointers to the three matrices inside the shader so we can update them from this class. m_worldMatrixPtr = m_effect->GetVariableByName("worldMatrix")->AsMatrix(); m_viewMatrixPtr = m_effect->GetVariableByName("viewMatrix")->AsMatrix(); m_projectionMatrixPtr = m_effect->GetVariableByName("projectionMatrix")->AsMatrix(); // Get pointer to the texture resource inside the shader. m_texturePtr = m_effect->GetVariableByName("shaderTexture")->AsShaderResource();
// Get pointer to the pixel color variable inside the shader. m_pixelColorPtr = m_effect->GetVariableByName("pixelColor")->AsVector(); return true; }
void FontShaderClass::ShutdownShader() {
新的pixel color指针在这里释放。
// Release the pointer to the pixel color of the font. m_pixelColorPtr = 0; // Release the pointer to the texture in the shader file. m_texturePtr = 0; // Release the pointers to the matrices inside the shader. m_worldMatrixPtr = 0; m_viewMatrixPtr = 0; m_projectionMatrixPtr = 0; // Release the pointer to the shader layout. if(m_layout) { m_layout->Release(); m_layout = 0; } // Release the pointer to the shader technique. m_technique = 0; // Release the pointer to the shader. if(m_effect) { m_effect->Release(); m_effect = 0; } return; }
void FontShaderClass::OutputShaderErrorMessage(ID3D10Blob* errorMessage, HWND hwnd, WCHAR* shaderFilename) { char* compileErrors; unsigned long bufferSize, i; ofstream fout; // Get a pointer to the error message text buffer. compileErrors = (char*)(errorMessage->GetBufferPointer()); // Get the length of the message. bufferSize = errorMessage->GetBufferSize(); // Open a file to write the error message to."shader-error.txt"); // Write out the error message. for(i=0; i<bufferSize; i++) { fout << compileErrors[i]; } // Close the file. fout.close(); // Release the error message. errorMessage->Release(); errorMessage = 0; // Pop a message up on the screen to notify the user to check the text file for compile errors. MessageBox(hwnd, L"Error compiling shader. Check shader-error.txt for message.", shaderFilename, MB_OK); return; }
void FontShaderClass::SetShaderParameters(D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix, ID3D10ShaderResourceView* texture, D3DXVECTOR4 pixelColor) { // Set the world matrix variable inside the shader. m_worldMatrixPtr->SetMatrix((float*)&worldMatrix); // Set the view matrix variable inside the shader. m_viewMatrixPtr->SetMatrix((float*)&viewMatrix); // Set the projection matrix variable inside the shader. m_projectionMatrixPtr->SetMatrix((float*)&projectionMatrix); // Bind the texture. m_texturePtr->SetResource(texture);
pixelColor shader变量在这里被设置。
// Set the pixel color variable inside the shader with the pixelColor vector. m_pixelColorPtr->SetFloatVector((float*)&pixelColor); return; }
RenderShader使用font shader绘制顶点/索引缓存。
void FontShaderClass::RenderShader(ID3D10Device* device, int indexCount) { D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC techniqueDesc; unsigned int i; // Set the input layout. device->IASetInputLayout(m_layout); // Get the description structure of the technique from inside the shader so it can be used for rendering. m_technique->GetDesc(&techniqueDesc); // Go through each pass in the technique (should be just one currently) and renders the triangles. for(i=0; i<techniqueDesc.Passes; ++i) { m_technique->GetPassByIndex(i)->Apply(0); device->DrawIndexed(indexCount, 0, 0); } return; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: textclass.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _TEXTCLASS_H_ #define _TEXTCLASS_H_ /////////////////////// // MY CLASS INCLUDES // /////////////////////// #include "fontclass.h" #include "fontshaderclass.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class name: TextClass //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TextClass { private:
struct SentenceType { ID3D10Buffer *vertexBuffer, *indexBuffer; int vertexCount, indexCount, maxLength; float red, green, blue; };
struct VertexType { D3DXVECTOR3 position; D3DXVECTOR2 texture; }; public: TextClass(); TextClass(const TextClass&); ~TextClass(); bool Initialize(ID3D10Device*, HWND, int, int, D3DXMATRIX); void Shutdown(); void Render(ID3D10Device*, D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX); private: bool InitializeSentence(SentenceType**, int, ID3D10Device*); bool UpdateSentence(SentenceType*, char*, int, int, float, float, float); void ReleaseSentence(SentenceType**); void RenderSentence(ID3D10Device*, SentenceType*, D3DXMATRIX, D3DXMATRIX); private: FontClass* m_Font; FontShaderClass* m_FontShader; int m_screenWidth, m_screenHeight; D3DXMATRIX m_baseViewMatrix;
SentenceType* m_sentence1; SentenceType* m_sentence2; }; #endif
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: textclass.cpp /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "textclass.h"
TextClass::TextClass() { m_Font = 0; m_FontShader = 0; m_sentence1 = 0; m_sentence2 = 0; } TextClass::TextClass(const TextClass& other) { } TextClass::~TextClass() { } bool TextClass::Initialize(ID3D10Device* device, HWND hwnd, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, D3DXMATRIX baseViewMatrix) { bool result;
// Store the screen width and height. m_screenWidth = screenWidth; m_screenHeight = screenHeight; // Store the base view matrix. m_baseViewMatrix = baseViewMatrix;
// Create the font object. m_Font = new FontClass; if(!m_Font) { return false; } // Initialize the font object. result = m_Font->Initialize(device, "../Engine/data/fontdata.txt", L"../Engine/data/"); if(!result) { MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize the font object.", L"Error", MB_OK); return false; }
创建并初始化font shader对象。
// Create the font shader object. m_FontShader = new FontShaderClass; if(!m_FontShader) { return false; } // Initialize the font shader object. result = m_FontShader->Initialize(device, hwnd); if(!result) { MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize the font shader object.", L"Error", MB_OK); return false; }
创建并初始化本教程要显示的两个句子。一个句子在100, 100处显示Hello,另一个句子在100, 200出显示Goodbye。UpdateSentence方法可以改变句子的内容、位置和字体颜色。
// Initialize the first sentence. result = InitializeSentence(&m_sentence1, 16, device); if(!result) { return false; } // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. result = UpdateSentence(m_sentence1, "Hello", 100, 100, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if(!result) { return false; } // Initialize the seconnd sentence. result = InitializeSentence(&m_sentence2, 16, device); if(!result) { return false; } // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. result = UpdateSentence(m_sentence2, "Goodbye", 100, 200, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); if(!result) { return false; } return true; }
Shutdown方法释放两个句子、font对象和font shader对象。
void TextClass::Shutdown() { // Release the first sentence. ReleaseSentence(&m_sentence1); // Release the second sentence. ReleaseSentence(&m_sentence2); // Release the font shader object. if(m_FontShader) { m_FontShader->Shutdown(); delete m_FontShader; m_FontShader = 0; } // Release the font object. if(m_Font) { m_Font->Shutdown(); delete m_Font; m_Font = 0; } return; }
void TextClass::Render(ID3D10Device* device, D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, D3DXMATRIX orthoMatrix) { // Draw the first sentence. RenderSentence(device, m_sentence1, worldMatrix, orthoMatrix); // Draw the second sentence. RenderSentence(device, m_sentence2, worldMatrix, orthoMatrix); return; }
bool TextClass::InitializeSentence(SentenceType** sentence, int maxLength, ID3D10Device* device) { VertexType* vertices; unsigned long* indices; D3D10_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc, indexBufferDesc; D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexData, indexData; HRESULT result; int i; // Create a new sentence object. *sentence = new SentenceType; if(!*sentence) { return false; } // Initialize the sentence buffers to null. (*sentence)->vertexBuffer = 0; (*sentence)->indexBuffer = 0; // Set the maximum length of the sentence. (*sentence)->maxLength = maxLength; // Set the number of vertices in the vertex array. (*sentence)->vertexCount = 6 * maxLength; // Set the number of indexes in the index array. (*sentence)->indexCount = (*sentence)->vertexCount; // Create the vertex array. vertices = new VertexType[(*sentence)->vertexCount]; if(!vertices) { return false; } // Create the index array. indices = new unsigned long[(*sentence)->indexCount]; if(!indices) { return false; } // Initialize vertex array to zeros at first. memset(vertices, 0, (sizeof(VertexType) * (*sentence)->vertexCount)); // Initialize the index array. for(i=0; i<(*sentence)->indexCount; i++) { indices[i] = i; }
// Set up the description of the dynamic vertex buffer. vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DYNAMIC; vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VertexType) * (*sentence)->vertexCount; vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE; vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0; // Give the subresource structure a pointer to the vertex data. vertexData.pSysMem = vertices; // Create the vertex buffer. result = device->CreateBuffer(&vertexBufferDesc, &vertexData, &(*sentence)->vertexBuffer); if(FAILED(result)) { return false; }
// Set up the description of the static index buffer. indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT; indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(unsigned long) * (*sentence)->indexCount; indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER; indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0; // Give the subresource structure a pointer to the index data. indexData.pSysMem = indices; // Create the index buffer. result = device->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &indexData, &(*sentence)->indexBuffer); if(FAILED(result)) { return false; } // Release the vertex array as it is no longer needed. delete [] vertices; vertices = 0; // Release the index array as it is no longer needed. delete [] indices; indices = 0; return true; }
bool TextClass::UpdateSentence(SentenceType* sentence, char* text, int positionX, int positionY, float red, float green, float blue) { int numLetters; VertexType* vertices; float drawX, drawY; void* verticesPtr; HRESULT result;
// Store the color of the sentence. sentence->red = red; sentence->green = green; sentence->blue = blue; // Get the number of letters in the sentence. numLetters = (int)strlen(text); // Check for possible buffer overflow. if(numLetters > sentence->maxLength) { return false; } // Create the vertex array. vertices = new VertexType[sentence->vertexCount]; if(!vertices) { return false; } // Initialize vertex array to zeros at first. memset(vertices, 0, (sizeof(VertexType) * sentence->vertexCount));
// Calculate the X and Y pixel position on the screen to start drawing to. drawX = (float)(((m_screenWidth / 2) * -1) + positionX); drawY = (float)((m_screenHeight / 2) - positionY);
// Calculate the X and Y pixel position on the screen to start drawing to. drawX = (float)(((m_screenWidth / 2) * -1) + positionX); drawY = (float)((m_screenHeight / 2) - positionY); // Use the font class to build the vertex array from the sentence text and sentence draw location. m_Font->BuildVertexArray((void*)vertices, text, drawX, drawY);
// Initialize the vertex buffer pointer to null first. verticesPtr = 0; // Lock the vertex buffer. result = sentence->vertexBuffer->Map(D3D10_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, (void**)&verticesPtr); if(FAILED(result)) { return false; } // Copy the vertex array into the vertex buffer. memcpy(verticesPtr, (void*)vertices, (sizeof(VertexType) * sentence->vertexCount)); // Unlock the vertex buffer. sentence->vertexBuffer->Unmap(); // Release the vertex array as it is no longer needed. delete [] vertices; vertices = 0; return true; }
void TextClass::ReleaseSentence(SentenceType** sentence) { if(*sentence) { // Release the sentence vertex buffer. if((*sentence)->vertexBuffer) { (*sentence)->vertexBuffer->Release(); (*sentence)->vertexBuffer = 0; } // Release the sentence index buffer. if((*sentence)->indexBuffer) { (*sentence)->indexBuffer->Release(); (*sentence)->indexBuffer = 0; } // Release the sentence. delete *sentence; *sentence = 0; } return; }
void TextClass::RenderSentence(ID3D10Device* device, SentenceType* sentence, D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, D3DXMATRIX orthoMatrix) { unsigned int stride, offset; D3DXVECTOR4 pixelColor; // Set vertex buffer stride and offset. stride = sizeof(VertexType); offset = 0; // Set the vertex buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered. device->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &sentence->vertexBuffer, &stride, &offset); // Set the index buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered. device->IASetIndexBuffer(sentence->indexBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0); // Set the type of primitive that should be rendered from this vertex buffer, in this case triangles. device->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST); // Create a pixel color vector with the input sentence color. pixelColor = D3DXVECTOR4(sentence->red, sentence->green, sentence->blue, 1.0f); // Render the text using the font shader. m_FontShader->Render(device, sentence->indexCount, worldMatrix, m_baseViewMatrix, orthoMatrix, m_Font->GetTexture(), pixelColor); return; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: graphicsclass.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _GRAPHICSCLASS_H_ #define _GRAPHICSCLASS_H_ ///////////// // GLOBALS // ///////////// const bool FULL_SCREEN = true; const bool VSYNC_ENABLED = true; const float SCREEN_DEPTH = 1000.0f; const float SCREEN_NEAR = 0.1f; /////////////////////// // MY CLASS INCLUDES // /////////////////////// #include "d3dclass.h" #include "cameraclass.h"
#include "textclass.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class name: GraphicsClass //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GraphicsClass { public: GraphicsClass(); GraphicsClass(const GraphicsClass&); ~GraphicsClass(); bool Initialize(int, int, HWND); void Shutdown(); void Frame(); bool Render(); private: D3DClass* m_D3D; CameraClass* m_Camera;
TextClass* m_Text; }; #endif
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: graphicsclass.cpp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "graphicsclass.h" GraphicsClass::GraphicsClass() { m_D3D = 0; m_Camera = 0; m_Text = 0; } GraphicsClass::GraphicsClass(const GraphicsClass& other) { } GraphicsClass::~GraphicsClass() { } bool GraphicsClass::Initialize(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, HWND hwnd) { bool result; D3DXMATRIX baseViewMatrix; // Create the Direct3D object. m_D3D = new D3DClass; if(!m_D3D) { return false; } // Initialize the Direct3D object. result = m_D3D->Initialize(screenWidth, screenHeight, VSYNC_ENABLED, hwnd, FULL_SCREEN, SCREEN_DEPTH, SCREEN_NEAR); if(!result) { MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize Direct3D.", L"Error", MB_OK); return false; } // Create the camera object. m_Camera = new CameraClass; if(!m_Camera) { return false; }
// Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. m_Camera->SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); m_Camera->Render(); m_Camera->GetViewMatrix(baseViewMatrix);
// Create the text object. m_Text = new TextClass; if(!m_Text) { return false; } // Initialize the text object. result = m_Text->Initialize(m_D3D->GetDevice(), hwnd, screenWidth, screenHeight, baseViewMatrix); if(!result) { MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize the text object.", L"Error", MB_OK); return false; } return true; } void GraphicsClass::Shutdown() {
// Release the text object. if(m_Text) { m_Text->Shutdown(); delete m_Text; m_Text = 0; } // Release the camera object. if(m_Camera) { delete m_Camera; m_Camera = 0; } // Release the Direct3D object. if(m_D3D) { m_D3D->Shutdown(); delete m_D3D; m_D3D = 0; } return; } void GraphicsClass::Frame() { // Set the position of the camera. m_Camera->SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); return; } bool GraphicsClass::Render() { D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, orthoMatrix; // Clear the buffers to begin the scene. m_D3D->BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Generate the view matrix based on the camera's position. m_Camera->Render(); // Get the world, view, projection, and ortho matrices from the camera and d3d objects. m_D3D->GetWorldMatrix(worldMatrix); m_Camera->GetViewMatrix(viewMatrix); m_D3D->GetProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix); m_D3D->GetOrthoMatrix(orthoMatrix); // Turn off the Z buffer to begin all 2D rendering. m_D3D->TurnZBufferOff();
// Render the text strings. m_Text->Render(m_D3D->GetDevice(), worldMatrix, orthoMatrix); // Turn the Z buffer back on now that all 2D rendering has completed. m_D3D->TurnZBufferOn(); // Present the rendered scene to the screen. m_D3D->EndScene(); return true; }
4.注释掉font.fx中的SetBlendState(AlphaBlendingState, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0xFFFFFFFF),将GraphicsClass::Render文件中的代码修改为m_D3D->BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);,观察屏幕上的结果,理解为什么需要混合。
5.取消对SetBlendState(AlphaBlendingState, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0xFFFFFFFF)的注释,但仍保持m_D3D->BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);,看看显示结果的不同。
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