DirectX 10 教程8:加载Maya 2011模型
原文地址:Tutorial 8: Loading Maya 2011 Models(。
本教程介绍如何导入Maya 2011制作的3D模型。虽然本教程讨论的是Maya,但是要稍加修改也可以处理其他3D建模工具导出的3D模型。
在前面的教程中我们创建了自己的模型格式并进行了绘制。本教程我们要把Maya 2011模型格式变换为自己的格式并进行绘制。这里不讨论如何在Maya创建3D模型,网上有无数的教程,我们直接从一个已经附有纹理的3D模型开始。
要在Maya中将模型导出为.obj格式,你必须首先打开.OBJ exporter。点击“Window”,选择“Settings/Preferences”,然后是“Plug-in Manager”。下拉到objExport.mll并选择“Loaded”和“Auto load”。导出时只需点击“File”,选择“Export All”。在底部选择“Files of type:”找到“OBJexport”。指定一个文件名词并点击“Export All”,Maya就会把模型导出为一个.obj后缀的文本文件,用任意一个文本编辑器(例如记事本)打开这个文件,内容如下:
# This file uses centimeters as units for non-parametric coordinates. mtllib cube.mtl g default v -0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000 v 0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000 v -0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 v 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 v -0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000 v 0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000 v -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 v 0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.998008 vt 0.001992 0.998008 vt 0.998008 0.001992 vt 0.001992 0.001992 vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 s 1 g pCube1 usemtl file1SG f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3 f 3/3/3 2/2/2 4/4/4 s 2 f 3/13/5 4/14/6 5/15/7 f 5/15/7 4/14/6 6/16/8 s 3 f 5/21/9 6/22/10 7/23/11 f 7/23/11 6/22/10 8/24/12 s 4 f 7/17/13 8/18/14 1/19/15 f 1/19/15 8/18/14 2/20/16 s 5 f 2/5/17 8/6/18 4/7/19 f 4/7/19 8/6/18 6/8/20 s 6 f 7/9/21 1/10/22 5/11/23 f 5/11/23 1/10/22 3/12/24
f Vertex1/Texture1/Normal1 Vertex2/Texture2/Normal2 Vertex3/Texture3/Normal3
因此“f 3/13/5 4/14/6 5/15/7”表示“Vertex3/Texture13/Normal5 Vertex4/Texture14/Normal6 Vertex5/Texture15/Normal7”。
Maya 2011默认使用右手坐标系。要将数据转换为DirectX 10使用的左手坐标系,你需要进行以下步骤:
1.反转顶点的Z坐标,代码为:vertices[vertexIndex].z = vertices[vertexIndex].z * -1.0f;
2.反转TV纹理坐标,代码为:texcoords[texcoordIndex].y = 1.0f - texcoords[texcoordIndex].y;
3.反转NZ法线,代码为:normals[normalIndex].z = normals[normalIndex].z * -1.0f;
fin >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex3 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex3 >>input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex3; fin >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex2; fin >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex1;
通过以上四个步骤,模型数据就能把DirectX 10正确绘制了。
将Maya 2011的.obj文件转换为自定义的DirectX 10格式非常简单,只有一个程序文件叫做main.cpp。这个程序打开一个命令行窗口询问要转换的.obj文件名称。用户输入了名称之后,程序就会打开文件并读取到数据结构,然后将它们转换到左手坐标系,完成后就将这些数据写入到model.txt文件。这个文件就可以使用上一个教程的代码进行绘制了。
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: main.cpp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// // INCLUDES // ////////////// #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ////////////// // TYPEDEFS // ////////////// typedef struct { float x, y, z; }VertexType; typedef struct { int vIndex1, vIndex2, vIndex3; int tIndex1, tIndex2, tIndex3; int nIndex1, nIndex2, nIndex3; }FaceType; ///////////////////////// // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES // ///////////////////////// void GetModelFilename(char*); bool ReadFileCounts(char*, int&, int&, int&, int&); bool LoadDataStructures(char*, int, int, int, int); ////////////////// // MAIN PROGRAM // ////////////////// int main() { bool result; char filename[256]; int vertexCount, textureCount, normalCount, faceCount; char garbage; // Read in the name of the model file. GetModelFilename(filename); // Read in the number of vertices, tex coords, normals, and faces so that the data structures can be initialized with the exact sizes needed. result = ReadFileCounts(filename, vertexCount, textureCount, normalCount, faceCount); if(!result) { return -1; } // Display the counts to the screen for information purposes. cout << endl; cout << "Vertices: " << vertexCount << endl; cout << "UVs: " << textureCount << endl; cout << "Normals: " << normalCount << endl; cout << "Faces: " << faceCount << endl; // Now read the data from the file into the data structures and then output it in our model format. result = LoadDataStructures(filename, vertexCount, textureCount, normalCount, faceCount); if(!result) { return -1; } // Notify the user the model has been converted. cout << "\nFile has been converted." << endl; cout << "\nDo you wish to exit (y/n)? "; cin >> garbage; return 0; } void GetModelFilename(char* filename) { bool done; ifstream fin; // Loop until we have a file name. done = false; while(!done) { // Ask the user for the filename. cout << "Enter model filename: "; // Read in the filename. cin >> filename; // Attempt to open the file.; if(fin.good()) { // If the file exists and there are no problems then exit since we have the file name. done = true; } else { // If the file does not exist or there was an issue opening it then notify the user and repeat the process. fin.clear(); cout << endl; cout << "File " << filename << " could not be opened." << endl << endl; } } return; } bool ReadFileCounts(char* filename, int& vertexCount, int& textureCount, int& normalCount, int& faceCount) { ifstream fin; char input; // Initialize the counts. vertexCount = 0; textureCount = 0; normalCount = 0; faceCount = 0; // Open the file.; // Check if it was successful in opening the file. if( == true) { return false; } // Read from the file and continue to read until the end of the file is reached. fin.get(input); while(!fin.eof()) { // If the line starts with 'v' then count either the vertex, the texture coordinates, or the normal vector. if(input == 'v') { fin.get(input); if(input == ' ') { vertexCount++; } if(input == 't') { textureCount++; } if(input == 'n') { normalCount++; } } // If the line starts with 'f' then increment the face count. if(input == 'f') { fin.get(input); if(input == ' ') { faceCount++; } } // Otherwise read in the remainder of the line. while(input != '\n') { fin.get(input); } // Start reading the beginning of the next line. fin.get(input); } // Close the file. fin.close(); return true; } bool LoadDataStructures(char* filename, int vertexCount, int textureCount, int normalCount, int faceCount) { VertexType *vertices, *texcoords, *normals; FaceType *faces; ifstream fin; int vertexIndex, texcoordIndex, normalIndex, faceIndex, vIndex, tIndex, nIndex; char input, input2; ofstream fout; // Initialize the four data structures. vertices = new VertexType[vertexCount]; if(!vertices) { return false; } texcoords = new VertexType[textureCount]; if(!texcoords) { return false; } normals = new VertexType[normalCount]; if(!normals) { return false; } faces = new FaceType[faceCount]; if(!faces) { return false; } // Initialize the indexes. vertexIndex = 0; texcoordIndex = 0; normalIndex = 0; faceIndex = 0; // Open the file.; // Check if it was successful in opening the file. if( == true) { return false; } // Read in the vertices, texture coordinates, and normals into the data structures. // Important: Also convert to left hand coordinate system since Maya uses right hand coordinate system. fin.get(input); while(!fin.eof()) { if(input == 'v') { fin.get(input); // Read in the vertices. if(input == ' ') { fin >> vertices[vertexIndex].x >> vertices[vertexIndex].y >> vertices[vertexIndex].z; // Invert the Z vertex to change to left hand system. vertices[vertexIndex].z = vertices[vertexIndex].z * -1.0f; vertexIndex++; } // Read in the texture uv coordinates. if(input == 't') { fin >> texcoords[texcoordIndex].x >> texcoords[texcoordIndex].y; // Invert the V texture coordinates to left hand system. texcoords[texcoordIndex].y = 1.0f - texcoords[texcoordIndex].y; texcoordIndex++; } // Read in the normals. if(input == 'n') { fin >> normals[normalIndex].x >> normals[normalIndex].y >> normals[normalIndex].z; // Invert the Z normal to change to left hand system. normals[normalIndex].z = normals[normalIndex].z * -1.0f; normalIndex++; } } // Read in the faces. if(input == 'f') { fin.get(input); if(input == ' ') { // Read the face data in backwards to convert it to a left hand system from right hand system. fin >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex3 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex3 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex3 >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex2 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex2 >> faces[faceIndex].vIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].tIndex1 >> input2 >> faces[faceIndex].nIndex1; faceIndex++; } } // Read in the remainder of the line. while(input != '\n') { fin.get(input); } // Start reading the beginning of the next line. fin.get(input); } // Close the file. fin.close(); // Open the output file."model.txt"); // Write out the file header that our model format uses. fout << "Vertex Count: " << (faceCount * 3) << endl; fout << endl; fout << "Data:" << endl; fout << endl; // Now loop through all the faces and output the three vertices for each face. for(int i=0; i<faceIndex; i++) { vIndex = faces[i].vIndex1 - 1; tIndex = faces[i].tIndex1 - 1; nIndex = faces[i].nIndex1 - 1; fout << vertices[vIndex].x << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].y << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].z << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].x << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].x << ' ' << normals[nIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].z << endl; vIndex = faces[i].vIndex2 - 1; tIndex = faces[i].tIndex2 - 1; nIndex = faces[i].nIndex2 - 1; fout << vertices[vIndex].x << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].y << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].z << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].x << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].x << ' ' << normals[nIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].z << endl; vIndex = faces[i].vIndex3 - 1; tIndex = faces[i].tIndex3 - 1; nIndex = faces[i].nIndex3 - 1; fout << vertices[vIndex].x << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].y << ' ' << vertices[vIndex].z << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].x << ' ' << texcoords[tIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].x << ' ' << normals[nIndex].y << ' ' << normals[nIndex].z << endl; } // Close the output file. fout.close(); // Release the four data structures. if(vertices) { delete [] vertices; vertices = 0; } if(texcoords) { delete [] texcoords; texcoords = 0; } if(normals) { delete [] normals; normals = 0; } if(faces) { delete [] faces; faces = 0; } return true; }
现在我们就可以将Maya 2011导出的.obj文件转换为自己的简单模型格式了。
2.创建(或获得)一个Maya 2011模型,将它导出为.obj格式,运行程序进行转换。
文件下载(已下载 1402 次)发布时间:2012/7/17 下午12:06:35 阅读次数:10025