XNA Shader编程教程23 – 模糊
上图中我们可以看到实际的模糊效果。这个shader根据给定距离(本例中为0.002)计算了周围像素的平均值,而这个距离可以在shader中或程序中设定。 下图显示了模糊效果:
Color = tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x+BlurDistance, Tex.y+BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x-BlurDistance, Tex.y-BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x+BlurDistance, Tex.y-BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x-BlurDistance, Tex.y+BlurDistance));
Color = Color / 4;
// The blur amount( how far away from our texel will we look up neighbour texels? ) float BlurDistance = 0.002f; // This will use the texture bound to the object( like from the sprite batch ). sampler ColorMapSampler : register(s0); float4 PixelShader(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float4 Color; // Get the texel from ColorMapSampler using a modified texture coordinate. This // gets the texels at the neighbour texels and adds it to Color. Color = tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x+BlurDistance, Tex.y+BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x-BlurDistance, Tex.y-BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x+BlurDistance, Tex.y-BlurDistance)); Color += tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x-BlurDistance, Tex.y+BlurDistance)); // We need to devide the color with the amount of times we added // a color to it, in this case 4, to get the avg. color Color = Color / 4; if(Tex.x > 0.495 && Tex.x < 0.505) { Color = float4(1,0,0,0); } if(Tex.x > 0.5) { Color = tex2D( ColorMapSampler, float2(Tex.x, Tex.y)); } // returned the blurred color return Color; } technique PostProcess { pass P0 { // A post process shader only needs a pixel shader. PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShader(); } }
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