要使用的图像等资源应尽量放在你自己的游戏项目中,但有些资源必须放在引擎项目中,这些资源包括Effect文件,UI控件默认使用的背景图像和UI控件使用的声音文件,必须要将这些资源嵌入到dll文件中。方法来自于帮助文件中的How To: Load Content(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb203875.aspx)中的Loading Content from a Game Library部分,步骤如下:
ContentManager resourceContent; public StunXnaGE() { … resourceContent = new ResourceContentManager(this.Services,Resource.ResourceManager); … }
texture = engine.ResourceContent.Load(textureName);
但是,Shawn Hargreaves 在他的博客中的这篇文章http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnhar/archive/2007/06/12/embedding-content-as-resources.aspx的留言中提到,想嵌入AudioEngine和.xgs文件是无法实现的。
不过XNA3.0提供了一个播放简单声音的方法SoundEffect.Play(),具体可参见7.1 播放并控制简单的.wav声音文件,它不使用.xgs文件,而是简单地将wave文件用Sound Effect内容处理器处理,这样经过处理后我的引擎中的Click.wav和Highlight.wav又可以编译为xnb文件,这样就可以嵌入到资源中去了。Click.wav和Highlight.wav分别表示鼠标点击控件和滑入控件发出的声音,如果你嫌烦也可以将引擎中的EnablePlayUISound设为false关闭这个声音,但是想要用自己的声音文件替换这两个文件的功能目前没有实现,但这是个小问题,解决起来不难,以后再说吧。
internal SoundEffect soundEffectClick; internal SoundEffect soundEffectHighlight;
engine.soundEffectClick .Play();
在StunEngine0.3中管理xgs声音播放的是一个Sound静态类,使用起来还不够灵活,所以直接参考了XNA Unleashed 3.0(其实这是一本好书,只是源代码不包含素材,如果谁有此书的素材,请也提供给我一份,先行谢过),将它的声音处理类SoundManager复制了过来,它可以指定使用的xact项目,使用起来更加灵活。代码如下:
namespace StunEngine.Sounds { ////// 进行声音处理的管理类 /// public partial class SoundManager : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameComponent { public bool RepeatPlayList = true; private AudioEngine audioEngine; private WaveBank waveBank; private SoundBank soundBank; ////// 声音文件的集合 /// Dictionarycues = new Dictionary (); private string[] playList; private int currentSong; private Cue currentlyPlaying; private Dictionary categories = new Dictionary (); /// /// /// /// 引擎 /// xact项目名称 public SoundManager(StunXnaGE game, string xactProjectName) : this(game, xactProjectName, xactProjectName) { } ////// /// /// 引擎 /// xact项目名称 /// xact文件名称 public SoundManager(StunXnaGE game, string xactProjectName, string xactFileName) : this(game, xactProjectName, xactFileName, @"Content\Sounds\") { } ////// /// /// 引擎 /// xact项目名称 /// xact文件名称 /// content路径 public SoundManager(StunXnaGE game, string xactProjectName, string xactFileName, string contentPath) : base(game) { xactFileName = xactFileName.Replace(".xap", ""); audioEngine = new AudioEngine(contentPath + xactFileName + ".xgs"); waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, contentPath + "Wave Bank.xwb"); soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, contentPath + "Sound Bank.xsb"); } public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (audioEngine != null) { audioEngine.Update(); if (currentlyPlaying != null) //are we playing a list? { //check current cue to see if it is playing //if not, go to next cue in list if (!currentlyPlaying.IsPlaying) { currentSong++; if (currentSong == playList.Length) { if (RepeatPlayList) currentSong = 0; else StopPlayList(); } if (currentlyPlaying != null) //may have been set to null, if we finished our list { currentlyPlaying = soundBank.GetCue(playList[currentSong]); currentlyPlaying.Play(); } } } } base.Update(gameTime); } ////// 移除资源 /// /// protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { soundBank.Dispose(); waveBank.Dispose(); audioEngine.Dispose(); playList = null; currentlyPlaying = null; cues = null; soundBank = null; waveBank = null; audioEngine = null; base.Dispose(disposing); } ////// /// /// /// public void SetGlobalVariable(string name, float amount) { audioEngine.SetGlobalVariable(name, amount); } #region Category方法 private void CheckCategory(string categoryName) { if (!categories.ContainsKey(categoryName)) categories.Add(categoryName, audioEngine.GetCategory(categoryName)); } ////// /// /// /// public void SetVolume(string categoryName, float volumeAmount) { CheckCategory(categoryName); categories[categoryName].SetVolume(volumeAmount); } ////// /// /// public void PauseCategory(string categoryName) { CheckCategory(categoryName); categories[categoryName].Pause(); } ////// /// /// public void ResumeCategory(string categoryName) { CheckCategory(categoryName); categories[categoryName].Resume(); } #endregion public bool IsPlaying(string cueName) { if (cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) return (cues[cueName].IsPlaying); return (false); } public void Play(string cueName) { Cue prevCue = null; if (!cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) cues.Add(cueName, soundBank.GetCue(cueName)); else { //store our cue if we were playing if (cues[cueName].IsPlaying) prevCue = cues[cueName]; cues[cueName] = soundBank.GetCue(cueName); } //if we weren't playing, then set previous to our current cue name if (prevCue == null) prevCue = cues[cueName]; try { cues[cueName].Play(); } catch (Exception) { //hit limit exception, set our cue to the previous and let's stop it //and then start it up again ... cues[cueName] = prevCue; //could just ignore this error, for now we will have our library stop and restart //regardless of what XACT says to do ... just an example if (cues[cueName].IsPlaying) cues[cueName].Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); Toggle(cueName); } } ////// 暂停声音文件的播放 /// /// public void Pause(string cueName) { if (cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) cues[cueName].Pause(); } ////// 继续播放声音文件 /// /// public void Resume(string cueName) { if (cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) cues[cueName].Resume(); } ////// 切换声音文件 /// /// public void Toggle(string cueName) { if (cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) { Cue cue = cues[cueName]; if (cue.IsPaused) { cue.Resume(); } else if (cue.IsPlaying) { cue.Pause(); } else //played but stopped { //need to re-get Cue if stopped Play(cueName); } } else //never played, need to re-get cue Play(cueName); } ////// 停止所有声音文件的播放 /// public void StopAll() { foreach (Cue cue in cues.Values) cue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } ////// 停止播放指定的声音文件 /// /// public void Stop(string cueName) { if (cues.ContainsKey(cueName)) cues[cueName].Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); cues.Remove(cueName); } public void StartPlayList(string[] playList) { StartPlayList(playList, 0); } public void StartPlayList(string[] playList, int startIndex) { if (playList.Length == 0) return; this.playList = playList; if (startIndex > playList.Length) startIndex = 0; StartPlayList(startIndex); } public void StartPlayList(int startIndex) { if (playList.Length == 0) return; currentSong = startIndex; currentlyPlaying = soundBank.GetCue(playList[currentSong]); currentlyPlaying.Play(); } public void StopPlayList() { if (currentlyPlaying != null) { currentlyPlaying.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); currentlyPlaying = null; } } } }
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