XNA Shader编程教程12- Post process噪点/扭曲



要在场景中添加噪点/扭曲,你必须在纹理坐标中添加一个扭曲值,然后使用新的纹理坐标查询纹理采样器。 我们还想实现噪点动画,所以还需要一个timer作用在扭曲值上。我们还需要一个值表示扭曲程度,一个seed用于扭曲算法。



// This will use the texture bound to the object( like from the sprite batch ).
sampler ColorMapSampler : register(s0);

// A timer to animate our shader 
float fTimer; 

// the amount of distortion 
float fNoiseAmount; 

// just a random starting number 
int iSeed;



float NoiseX = iSeed * fTimer * sin(Tex.x * Tex.y+fTimer);
NoiseX=fmod(NoiseX,8) * fmod(NoiseX,4); 


float DistortX = fmod(NoiseX,fNoiseAmount); 
float DistortY = fmod(NoiseX,fNoiseAmount+0.002); 


float2 DistortTex = float2(DistortX,DistortY); 


float4 Color=tex2D(ColorMapSampler, Tex+DistortTex); 


// Global variables
// This will use the texture bound to the object( like from the sprite batch ). 
sampler ColorMapSampler : register(s0);

// A timer to animate our shader 
float fTimer; 

// the amount of distortion 
float fNoiseAmount; 

// just a random starting number 
int iSeed; 

// Noise 
float4 PixelShader(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
    // Distortion factor 
    float NoiseX = iSeed * fTimer * sin(Tex.x * Tex.y+fTimer); 
    NoiseX=fmod(NoiseX,8) * fmod(NoiseX,4); 
    // Use our 	distortion factor to compute how much it will affect each 
    // texture coordinate 
    float DistortX = fmod(NoiseX,fNoiseAmount); 
    float DistortY = fmod(NoiseX,fNoiseAmount+0.002); 
    // Create our new texture coordinate based on our distortion factor 
    float2 DistortTex = float2(DistortX,DistortY); 
    // Use our new texture coordinate to look-up a pixel in ColorMapSampler. 
    float4 Color=tex2D(ColorMapSampler, Tex+DistortTex); 
    // Keep our alphachannel at 1. 
    Color.a = 1.0f; 
    return Color; 

technique PostProcess
    pass P0
        // A post process shader only needs a pixel shader. 
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShader(); 

发布时间:2009/5/3 上午11:32:01  阅读次数:9158

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