10.5 查询地形高度



图10-11显示了一个在位置(52, 48)上的物体,它在网格(1, 1)上。注意你没有考虑物体的Y坐标(表示物体的高度),这是因为地形是处在XZ平面上的,你查询的数值与XZ坐标联系。




// Get the position relative to the terrain grid 
Vector2 positionInGrid = new Vector2( positionX - (StartPosition.X + Transformation.Translate.X), positionZ - 
(StartPosition.Y + Transformation.Translate.Z)); 

// Calculate the grid position 
Vector2 blockPosition = new Vector2( (int)(positionInGrid.X / blockScale), (int)(positionInGrid.Y / blockScale)); 



图10-2:地形网格中的块。如果X坐标大于Z坐标,物体处于上面的三角形中,反之则在下面的三角形中 在找到物体处在哪个三角形后,你可以通过顶点高度的插值获取三角形内部的位置高度。在GetHeight方法中使用如下代码计算地形位置的高度:

private float GetHeight(float positionX, float positionZ) 
    float height = 	-999999.0f; 
    if (heightmap == null) 
        return height; 
    // Get the position relative to the terrain grid 
    Vector2 positionInGrid = new Vector2( positionX -(StartPosition.X + Transformation.Translate.X),
     positionZ - (StartPosition.Y + Transformation.Translate.Z));
     // Calculate the grid position Vector2 
     blockPosition = new Vector2( (int)(positionInGrid.X / blockScale), (int)(positionInGrid.Y / blockScale)); 
     // Check if the object is inside the grid 
     if (blockPosition.X >= 0 && blockPosition.X < (vertexCountX - 1) && 
			blockPosition.Y >= 0 && blockPosition.Y < (vertexCountZ - 1)) 
	    Vector2 blockOffset = new Vector2( blockPosition.X - (int)blockPosition.X, 
			blockPosition.Y - (int)blockPosition.Y); 
	    // Get the height of the four vertices of the grid block 
	    int vertexIndex = (int)blockPosition.X + (int)blockPosition.Y 	* vertexCountX; 
	    float height1 = heightmap[vertexIndex + 1]; 
	    float height2 = heightmap[vertexIndex]; 
	    float height3 = heightmap[vertexIndex + vertexCountX +	1];
	    float height4 = heightmap[vertexIndex + vertexCountX]; 
	    // Top triangle float heightIncX, heightIncY; 
	    if (blockOffset.X > blockOffset.Y) 
	        heightIncX = height1 - height2; 
	        heightIncY = height3 - height1; 
	    // Bottom triangle 
	        heightIncX = height3 - height4;
	        heightIncY = height4 - height2;
	    // Linear 	interpolation to find the height inside the triangle
	    float lerpHeight = height2 + heightIncX * blockOffset.X + heightIncY * blockOffset.Y;
	    height = lerpHeight * heightScale;
	return height;


发布时间:2009/4/24 上午11:59:25  阅读次数:5650

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