XNA Game Engine系列教程11:串行化











// Resets the Engine to its initial state
public static void Reset()
    List<Component> destroy = new List<Component>();

    foreach (GameScreen screen in Engine.GameScreens)
        foreach (Component component in screen.Components)

    foreach (Component component in destroy)

    List<GameScreen> screenDestroy = new List<GameScreen>();

    foreach (GameScreen screen in Engine.GameScreens)
        if (screen != Engine.BackgroundScreen)

    foreach (GameScreen screen in screenDestroy)



// Information about Services
struct ServiceData
    public string Type;
    public bool IsService;
// Provides a link between the Component class and Serializer class. A component
// adds data and keys to this class to simplify serialization
public class SerializationData
    // Dictionary that stores the data. It is public so the Serializer can save
    // the data it holds.
    public Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    // Add data to the dictionary with the string key Key and value object Data
    public void AddData(string Key, object Data)
        this.Data.Add(Key, Data);

    // Get data of type T from the dictionary with the string key Key
    public T GetData<T>(string Key)
        object val = this.Data[Key];
        return (T)val;

    // Whether or not the data contains the specified Key
    public bool ContainsData(string Key)
        return Data.ContainsKey(Key);

    public XmlWriter Writer
        get { return Writer; }

    // The serializer being used for serialization/deserialization
    Serializer serializer;
    XmlWriter writer;

    // Constructor sets the serializer being used
    public SerializationData(Serializer Serializer, XmlWriter Writer)
        serializer = Serializer;
        writer = Writer;

    // Tell the serializer we will be using the specified Type
    public void AddDependency(Type type)

    // Get the Type specified through the serializer, so the right
    // Assembly will be used.
    public Type GetTypeFromDependency(string type)
        return Assembly.Load(serializer.DependencyMap[type]).GetType(type);


// Class used to serialize Components to an Xml file
public class Serializer


// Keeps track of what Assembly Types are located in. The Type is the Key and the
// Assembly is the value
public Dictionary<string, string> DependencyMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();

// Uses the DependencyMap to write the dependencies to the Xml File
public void WriteDependencies(XmlWriter Writer)

    // Temporary list is used to keep track of the dependencies we need to write
    List<string> assemblies = new List<string>();

    // For each Type, add its Assembly to the assembly list if it has not been added
    foreach (string assembly in DependencyMap.Values)
        if (!assemblies.Contains(assembly))

    // Write each assembly to the file
    foreach(string assembly in assemblies)
        Writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", assembly);

        // Write each type in the Assembly as a child node
        foreach(string type in DependencyMap.Keys)
            if (DependencyMap[type] == assembly)
                Writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", type);


// Add the type to the DependencyMap
public void Dependency(Type type)
    string name = type.FullName;
    string assembly = type.Assembly.FullName;

    if (!DependencyMap.ContainsKey(name))
        DependencyMap.Add(name, assembly);

// Load back the Assemblies used from file
public void PopulateAssemblies(XmlNode DependenciesRoot)
    foreach (XmlNode Node in DependenciesRoot.ChildNodes)
        foreach (XmlNode child in Node.ChildNodes)
            // For each node, add the type to the list. Attribute 0 = type name, 
            // attribute 1 = assembly name
            DependencyMap.Add(child.Attributes[0].Value, Node.Attributes[0].Value);

// Clear the list of dependencies
public void ClearDependencies()


// Write the GameScreens in Engine to file
public void WriteGameScreens(XmlWriter Writer)

    foreach (GameScreen screen in Engine.GameScreens)
        // The background screen is created automatically, so we dont need to serialize it
        if (screen != Engine.BackgroundScreen)
            Writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", screen.Name);
            Writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", screen.GetType().FullName);

            if (screen.BlocksInput) { Writer.WriteElementString("BlocksInput", null); }
            if (screen.OverrideInputBlocked) { Writer.WriteElementString("OverrideInputBlocked", null); }
            if (screen.BlocksUpdate) { Writer.WriteElementString("BlocksUpdate", null); }
            if (screen.OverrideUpdateBlocked) { Writer.WriteElementString("OverrideUpdateBlocked", null); }
            if (screen.BlocksDraw) { Writer.WriteElementString("BlocksDraw", null); }
            if (screen.OverrideDrawBlocked) { Writer.WriteElementString("OverrideDrawBlocked", null); }

            if (screen == Engine.DefaultScreen) { Writer.WriteElementString("DefaultScreen", null); }




// Saves the data contained in an object
public void SerializeObject(XmlWriter Writer, object Input, string InstanceName)
    // We can't serialize a null object
    if (Input == null)

    // If we are dealing with a seperate field, we can save its name
    if (InstanceName != null)
        Writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", InstanceName);

    Type t = Input.GetType();

    // Add the type's assembly to the dependencies if neccessary

    // If we have a value type, we can save it directly
    if (t == typeof(short) ||
        t == typeof(long) ||
        t == typeof(float) ||
        t == typeof(decimal) ||
        t == typeof(double) ||
        t == typeof(ulong) ||
        t == typeof(uint) ||
        t == typeof(ushort) ||
        t == typeof(sbyte) ||
        t == typeof(int) ||
        t == typeof(byte) ||
        t == typeof(char) ||
        t == typeof(string) ||
        t == typeof(bool))
        // Write the type of value, then the value of the value
        Writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", t.FullName);
        // If its not a value type, we need to break it dowm

        // Serialize all fields recursively. This will break them
        // down automatically if they are not value types too.
        foreach (FieldInfo info in Input.GetType().GetFields())
            SerializeObject(Writer, info.GetValue(Input), info.Name);


    // Write the end if this is not a one line value
    if (InstanceName != null)


// Deserialize the component defined in the ComponentNode
public Component Deserialize(XmlNode ComponentNode)
    // Find the type from the component nodes name
    Assembly a = Assembly.Load(DependencyMap[ComponentNode.LocalName]);
    Type t = a.GetType(ComponentNode.LocalName);

    // Create an instance of the type and a SerializationData object
    Component component = (Component)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
    SerializationData data = new SerializationData(this, null);

    // For each field defined, get its value and add the field to the
    // SerializationData
    foreach (XmlNode child in ComponentNode.ChildNodes)
        // Make name and object values, and get the name from the 0
        // attribute, "Name"
        string name = child.Attributes[0].Value;
        object value = null;

        // If the field node contains text only, it is a value type
        // and we can set object directly
        if (child.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
            value = parse(child);
        // Otherwise we need to recreate a more complex object from the data
        else if (child.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
            value = parseTree(child.FirstChild);

        // Save the field to the SerializationData
        data.AddData(name, value);

    // Tell the component to load from the data

    return component;

// Returns an object from an XmlNode that contains a value type
object parse(XmlNode value)
    // Get the type being parsed
    Assembly a = Assembly.Load(DependencyMap[value.Attributes["Type"].InnerText]);
    Type t = a.GetType(value.Attributes["Type"].InnerText);

    // If it is a string, we can return it how it is
    if (t == typeof(string))
        return value.InnerText;

    // Otherwise, it can be parsed using the "Parse()" method all value
    // types have, invoked using reflection
    MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[] { typeof(string) });

    // Return the value "Parse()" returns, using the node text
    // as the argument
    return m.Invoke(null, new object[] { value.InnerText });

// Returns an object constructed from a tree of XmlNodes
object parseTree(XmlNode root)
    // Get the type to be built
    Assembly a = Assembly.Load(DependencyMap[root.Name]);
    Type t = a.GetType(root.Name);

    // Create an instance of the type
    object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(t);

    // For each field in the node's children
    foreach (XmlNode member in root.ChildNodes)
        // Get the info on it
        FieldInfo fInfo = t.GetField(member.Attributes["Name"].Value);

        // If the node contains a value type, set the value directly
        if (member.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
            fInfo.SetValue(instance, parse(member));
        // Otherwise, we need to parse it again as a tree. This will
        // do the same recursively if the parsed type isn't a value type
            fInfo.SetValue(instance, parseTree(member));

    return instance;


static int count = 0;
public string Name;

public override string ToString()
    return this.Name;

// InitializeComponent()

Name = this.GetType().FullName + count;


// Returns a SerializationData a Serializer can use to save the state
// of the object to an Xml file
public SerializationData GetSerializationData(Serializer Serializer, XmlWriter Writer)
    // Create a new SerializationData
    SerializationData data = new SerializationData(Serializer, Writer);

    // Add the basic Component values
    data.AddData("Component.DrawOrder", DrawOrder);
    data.AddData("Component.ParentScreen", Parent.Name);
    data.AddData("Component.Visible", Visible);
    data.AddData("Component.Name", this.Name);

    // Tell the serializer that it will need to know the type of
    // component

    // Construct a ServiceData
    ServiceData sd = new ServiceData();

    // If this object is a service, find out what the
    // provider type is (the type used to look up the service)
    Type serviceType;
    if (Engine.Services.IsService(this, out serviceType))
        // Tell the serializer about the provider type

        // Set the data to the ServiceData
        sd.IsService = true;
        sd.Type = serviceType.FullName;

    // Add the ServiceData to the SerializationData
    data.AddData("Component.ServiceData", sd);

    // Call the overridable function that allows components to provide data

    return data;

// Reconstructs the Component from SerializationData
public void RecieveSerializationData(SerializationData Data)
    // Set the basic Component values
    this.DrawOrder = Data.GetData<int>("Component.DrawOrder");
    this.Visible = Data.GetData<bool>("Component.Visible");
    this.Name = Data.GetData<string>("Component.Name");

    // Get the ServiceData from the data
    ServiceData sd = Data.GetData<ServiceData>("Component.ServiceData");

    // If the component was a service
    if (sd.IsService)
        // Get the type back from the serializer
        Type t = Data.GetTypeFromDependency(sd.Type);

        // Add the service to the Engine
        Engine.Services.AddService(t, this);

    // Set the owner GameScreen
    string parent = Data.GetData<string>("Component.ParentScreen");
    this.Parent = Engine.GameScreens[parent];

    // Call the overridable function that allow components to load from data

// Overridable function to allow components to save data during serialization
public virtual void SaveSerializationData(SerializationData Data)

// Overridable function to allow components to load data during deserialization
public virtual void LoadFromSerializationData(SerializationData Data)


// Save the current state of the engine to file
public static void SerializeState(string Filename)
    // Get the start time
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

    // Create an XmlWriter
    XmlWriterSettings set = new XmlWriterSettings();
    set.Indent = true;
    XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Create), set);

    // Create a Serializer
    Serializer s = new Serializer();

    // Write the start of the document, including the root node and save time
    writer.WriteAttributeString("Time", startTime.ToString());

    // Serialize the list of GameScreens

    // Write the component root node

    // Serialize all the components, if they want to be serialized
    foreach (GameScreen gameScreen in GameScreens)
        foreach (Component component in gameScreen.Components)
            if (component.Serialize)
                s.Serialize(writer, component.GetSerializationData(s, writer));

    // Finish the Components node

    // Write out Assembly dependencies

    // Finish the document

    // Finish writing

    // Calculate elapsed time
    DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
    TimeSpan elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;

// Reload the state of the engine from file
public static void DeserializeState(string Filename)
    // Get the start time
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

    // Load the Xml document from file
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

    // Locate the Components root node
    XmlNode ComponentsNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Components")[0];

    // Create a serializer
    Serializer s = new Serializer();

    // Reload the Assembly dependencies

    // Deserialize each component in the file
    foreach (XmlNode node in ComponentsNode.ChildNodes)

    // Calculate the elapsed time
    DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
    TimeSpan elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;


发布时间:2009/3/4 下午4:06:23  阅读次数:6318

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