XNA Game Engine教程系列#5 – Physics
“PhysicsObject”组件:这是用来管理JigLibX的“PhysicsSystem”类的。它将更新物理模拟并处理物理系统的实例。我们需要添加一个“physics”实例到引擎的service container中。这样做的好处是,如果我们不模拟任何物理对象和额外phsyics计算,那么,我们根本无需添加一个“physics”实例到service container中。
“PhysicsObject”组件:这是物理模拟对象的基类。它保存JigLibX的物理模拟物体,其他对象类型将从它继承。这些类型是“Box”,“Capsule”,“Sphere”, “Plane”和“Triangle Mesh”。Triangle Mesh模拟模型中的每一个三角形,这对关卡之类的模型是非常有用的,关卡往往设计复杂,不能用几个“Box”“Sphere”就能模拟。我们还可以很容易地创造新的物理物体类型模拟更复杂的模型而无需自己处理每一个三角形。
using JigLibX.Collision; using JigLibX.Physics; namespace Innovation { public class Physics : Component { // The physics simulation public PhysicsSystem PhysicsSystem = new PhysicsSystem(); // Whether or not we should update public bool UpdatePhysics = true; public Physics() { // Set up physics system this.PhysicsSystem.EnableFreezing = true; this.PhysicsSystem.SolverType = PhysicsSystem.Solver.Normal; this.PhysicsSystem.CollisionSystem = new CollisionSystemSAP(); } public override void Update() { // Update the physics system if (UpdatePhysics) PhysicsSystem.CurrentPhysicsSystem.Integrate( (float)Engine.GameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); } } }
using JigLibX.Collision; using JigLibX.Collision; using JigLibX.Geometry; using JigLibX.Physics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; namespace Innovation { // Provides a base object type for physics simulation public abstract class PhysicsObject : Component, I3DComponent { // Local copy of the mass of the object float mass = 1; // The Body managed by the PhysicsObject public Body Body; // The CollisionSkin managed by the PhysicsObject public CollisionSkin CollisionSkin; // The mass of the PhysicsObject public float Mass { get { return mass; } set { // Set the new value mass = value; // Fix transforms Vector3 com = SetMass(value); if (CollisionSkin != null) CollisionSkin.ApplyLocalTransform( new JigLibX.Math.Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity)); } } // The PhysicsObject's position public Vector3 Position { get { return Body.Position; } set { Body.MoveTo(value, Body.Orientation); } } // The PhysicsObject's rotation as a Matrix public Matrix Rotation { get { return Body.Orientation; } set { Body.MoveTo(Body.Position, value); } } // The PhysicsObject's rotation as a Euler Vector public Vector3 EulerRotation { get { return MathUtil.MatrixToVector3(Rotation); } set { Rotation = MathUtil.Vector3ToMatrix(value); } } // Whether or not the physics object is locked in place public bool Immovable { get { return Body.Immovable; } set { Body.Immovable = value; } } // Returns the PhysicsObject's BoundingBox public BoundingBox BoundingBox { get { if (Body.CollisionSkin != null) return Body.CollisionSkin.WorldBoundingBox; else return new BoundingBox(Position - Vector3.One, Position + Vector3.One); } } // Dummy scale value to satisfy I3DComponent public Vector3 Scale { get { return Vector3.One; } set { } } // The body's velocity public Vector3 Velocity { get { return Body.Velocity; } set { Body.Velocity = value; } } // Constructors public PhysicsObject() : base(){ } public PhysicsObject(GameScreen Parent) : base(Parent) { } // Sets up the body and collision skin protected void InitializeBody() { Body = new Body(); CollisionSkin = new CollisionSkin(Body); Body.CollisionSkin = this.CollisionSkin; Body.EnableBody(); } // Sets the mass of the PhysicsObject public Vector3 SetMass(float mass) { PrimitiveProperties primitiveProperties = new PrimitiveProperties( PrimitiveProperties.MassDistributionEnum.Solid, PrimitiveProperties.MassTypeEnum.Density, mass); float junk; Vector3 com; Matrix it, itCoM; CollisionSkin.GetMassProperties(primitiveProperties, out junk, out com, out it, out itCoM); Body.BodyInertia = itCoM; Body.Mass = junk; return com; } // Rotates and moves the model relative to the physics object to // better align the model with the object public void OffsetModel(Vector3 PositionOffset, Matrix RotationOffset) { CollisionSkin.ApplyLocalTransform( new JigLibX.Math.Transform(PositionOffset, RotationOffset)); } // Disables physics body and component public override void DisableComponent() { Body.DisableBody(); base.DisableComponent(); } } }
using JigLibX.Collision; using JigLibX.Geometry; using JigLibX.Physics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; namespace Innovation { // A box shaped physics object public class BoxObject : PhysicsObject { Vector3 sideLengths; // The length of the sides of the box public Vector3 SideLengths { get { return sideLengths; } set { // Set the new value sideLengths = value; // Update the collision skin CollisionSkin.RemoveAllPrimitives(); CollisionSkin.AddPrimitive( new Box(-0.5f * value, Body.Orientation, value), (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.UserDefined, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f)); // Set the mass to itself to fix the local transform // on the CollisionSkin in the set accessor this.Mass = this.Mass; } } // Constructors public BoxObject() : base() { InitializeBody(); SideLengths = Vector3.One; } public BoxObject(Vector3 SideLengths) : base() { SetupSkin(SideLengths, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero); } public BoxObject(Vector3 SideLengths, Vector3 Position, Vector3 Rotation) : base() { SetupSkin(SideLengths, Position, Rotation); } public BoxObject(Vector3 SideLengths, Vector3 Position, Vector3 Rotation, GameScreen Parent) : base(Parent) { SetupSkin(SideLengths, Position, Rotation); } // Sets up the object with the specified parameters void SetupSkin(Vector3 SideLengths, Vector3 Position, Vector3 Rotation) { // Setup the body InitializeBody(); // Set properties this.SideLengths = SideLengths; this.Position = Position; this.EulerRotation = Rotation; } } }
// I3DComponent values // I3DComponent values public virtual Vector3 Position { get; set; } public Vector3 EulerRotation { get { return MathUtil.MatrixToVector3(Rotation); } set { Rotation = MathUtil.Vector3ToMatrix(value); } } public virtual Matrix Rotation { get; set; } public virtual Vector3 Scale { get; set; } public virtual BoundingBox BoundingBox { get { return new BoundingBox( Position - (Scale / 2), Position + (Scale / 2) ); } }
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; namespace Innovation { // Manages a PhysicsObject and allows the engine to work // with it public class PhysicsActor : Actor { // The object we are managing public PhysicsObject PhysicsObject; // Override the position of the base class to that // of the physics object public override Vector3 Position { get { if (PhysicsObject != null) return PhysicsObject.Position; else return Vector3.Zero; } set { if (PhysicsObject != null) PhysicsObject.Position = value; } } // Override the rotation of the base class to that // of the physics object public override Matrix Rotation { get { if (PhysicsObject != null) return PhysicsObject.Rotation; else return Matrix.Identity; } set { if (PhysicsObject != null) PhysicsObject.Rotation = value; } } // Override the BoundingBox of the base class to that // of the physics object public override BoundingBox BoundingBox { get { if (PhysicsObject != null) return PhysicsObject.BoundingBox; else return new BoundingBox(-Vector3.One, Vector3.One); } } // Constructors public PhysicsActor(Model Model, PhysicsObject PhysicsObject) : base(Model, PhysicsObject.Position) { this.PhysicsObject = PhysicsObject; } public PhysicsActor(Model Model, PhysicsObject PhysicsObject, GameScreen Parent) : base(Model, PhysicsObject.Position, Parent) { this.PhysicsObject = PhysicsObject; } // Override DisableComponent so we can remove the physics // object as well public override void DisableComponent() { this.PhysicsObject.DisableComponent(); base.DisableComponent(); } } }
protected override void LoadContent() { // Setup engine. We do this in the load method // so that we know graphics will be ready for use Engine.SetupEngine(graphics); // Create a new Camera Camera camera = new Camera(); // Setup its position and target camera.Position = new Vector3(3, 3, 5); camera.Target = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Add it to the service container Engine.Services.AddService(typeof(Camera), camera); // Setup physics Engine.Services.AddService(typeof(Physics), new Physics()); // Create the plane and make it immovable PhysicsActor plane = new PhysicsActor( Engine.Content.Load<Model>("Content/ig_plane"), new BoxObject(new Vector3(4, .01f, 4))); plane.PhysicsObject.Immovable = true; // Load the model we will use for our boxes Model model = Engine.Content.Load<Model>("Content/ig_box"); // Create the stack of boxes for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { PhysicsActor act = new PhysicsActor(model, new BoxObject( new Vector3(.5f), new Vector3(- .5f + (x * 0.52f), .5f + (y * 0.52f), -1), Vector3.Zero)); act.Scale = new Vector3(.5f); } }
bool fired = false; protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Update the engine and game Engine.Update(gameTime); if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds > 2 && !fired) { PhysicsActor act = new PhysicsActor( Engine.Content.Load<Model>("Content/ig_box"), new BoxObject(new Vector3(1), new Vector3(0, .5f, 1), Vector3.Zero)); act.Scale = new Vector3(1); act.PhysicsObject.Mass = 1000; act.PhysicsObject.Velocity = new Vector3(0, 2, -6); fired = true; } base.Update(gameTime); }
发布时间:2008/12/30 上午7:43:08 阅读次数:7428