XNA Game Engine教程系列1-Component和GameScreen


在XNA Creators Club网站上有一个实例可以作为游戏结构研究的起点,我设计的这个引擎部分基于此教程。(http://creators.xna.com/en-us/samples/gamestatemanagement)。那么,让我们开始吧!




设置Visual Studio

在我们编写代码前,我们需要设置Visual Studio。在解决方案将有两个项目,一个是引擎本身,另一个用于利用此引擎的演示游戏。因此,打开Visual Studio,选择新建项目,并选择XNA Windows Game Liberary,选择一个名称。我用“InnovationEngine”,但可以是其他任何名称。当项目建立后,打开解决方案资源管理器,右按一下您的解决方案(顶级节点)。选择添加新项目,并选择型XNA WindowsGame。选择一个名称(我用“TestEnvironment”),并按下确定。最后,我们需要从游戏项目中引用引擎项目。展开game节点(即“TestEnvironment”),右键点击“Reference”,并选择“添加引用”。点击“项目”标签,然后选择引擎项目(即“InnovationEngine”)。在引擎项目新建一个叫做“Component”的文件夹。现在已全部设置好了。要运行游戏,右键点击项目,并点击“设置为启动项目”。现在,按下F5游戏就可以开始了,目前一个空白蓝屏。

设置Visual Studio

这有助于我们避免常见错误#1 -不分离引擎代码和游戏代码。分离代码是一个好主意,除非游戏是非常简单的。它不仅有助于使解决方案清晰,当以后创建编辑器时也会变得很容易,也能在不同的游戏中重用代码。



using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace Innovation


public class Component


// The GameScreen object that owns this component

public GameScreen Parent;

// Whether or not this component has been initialized

public bool Initialized = false;

// Whether or not the GameScreen that owns the component

// should draw it

public bool Visible = true;

// This overloaded constructor allows us to specify the parent

public Component(GameScreen Parent)




// This overload allows will set the parent to the default

// GameScreen

public Component()




// This is called by the constructor to initialize the

// component. This allows us to only have to override this

// method instead of both constructors

protected virtual void InitializeComponent(GameScreen Parent)


// Check if the engine has been initialized before setting

// up the component, or the Engine will crash when the

// component tries to add itself to the list.

if (!Engine.IsInitialized)

throw new Exception("Engine must be initialized with \"SetupEngine()\"" + "before components can be initialized");


Initialized = true; }

// Updates the component - This is called by the owner

public virtual void Update()


} // Draws the component - This is called by the owner

public virtual void Draw() { }

// Unregisters the component with its parent

public virtual void DisableComponent()







有一个清晰定义的基类可以帮助我们避免常见错误#2 -没有一个类能让引擎知道如何工作。如果您的引擎是由很多不同格式的类组成的,那么你不用担心每个组件如何更新和绘制。拥有一个基类意味着我们要做的只是继承它,稍微改变一下更新和绘制,引擎就能为我没绘制,更新和管理组件而不需要额外的代码。因为每一个组件都能通过使用基类类型被访问,即使它是一个地形,天空或其他任何东西,这极大地简化了我们的更新,绘制和管理组件的逻辑。



我们还将定义一个枚举包含对象组的类型:二维,三维或两者都是。以后我们可以使用这个枚举用于渲染水面。当绘制水的反射时,我们不希望HUD也绘制在反射面上,所以我们可以这样使用这个枚举:Engine.Draw(ComponentType.Component3D),这将只绘制三维物体,而HUD不会绘制在反射平面上。这可以让我们避免常见错误#3 –有一个基类,但没有为引擎提供有用的信息。通过提供这些接口,我们可以修改一个对象的位置,旋转,缩放等,而无需关心是哪种组件。接口的代码和对象类型枚举如下。将这些代码添加到一个叫做ComponentType.cs的新文件中。

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace Innovation


// Represents a 3D object. These objects will be drawn before

// 2D objects, and will have modifiers automatically provided

// in the editor.

public interface I3DComponent


// Position in the Cartesian system (X, Y, Z)

Vector3 Position { get; set; }

// Rotation represented as a Vector3. This shouldn't

// be used for calculations, it is left in so that

// the rotation can be more easily modified by hand

Vector3 EulerRotation { get; set; }

// Rotation as a Matrix. This will give much smoother

// and cleaner calculations that a

Vector3 Matrix Rotation { get; set; }

// Scale for each axis (X, Y, Z)

Vector3 Scale { get; set; }

// BoundingBox to use for picking and pre-collision

BoundingBox BoundingBox { get; } }

// Represents a 2D object. These objects will be drawn after

// 3D objects, and will have modifiers automatically provided

// in the editor.

public interface I2DComponent {

Rectangle Rectangle { get; set; } }

public enum ComponentType


// Represents all 2D components (I2DComponent)


// Represents all 3D components (I3DComponent)


// Represents all components that are either 2D or 3D

// components


// Represents all components regardless of type








using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq; using System.Text;

namespace Innovation


public class GameScreen


// Keep track of all the components we need to manage

public ComponentCollection Components;

// Whether or not to draw

public bool Visible = true;

// Whether or not this screen should block the update of

// screens below (for pause menus), etc. public

bool BlocksUpdate = false;

// Whether or not this screen can override a blocked update

// from an above screen (for a background screen), etc.

public bool OverrideUpdateBlocked = false;

// Same for drawing public

bool BlocksDraw = false;

// Same for drawing public

bool OverrideDrawBlocked = false;

// Same for input public

bool BlocksInput = false;

// Same for input public bool OverrideInputBlocked = false;

// Whether or not we want to block our own input so we can

// do things like loading screens that will want to accept

// input at some point, but not at startup

public bool InputDisabled = false;

// This is set by the engine to tell us whether or not input

// is allowed. We can still get input, but we shouldn't. This

// is useful because a ProcessInput() type of function would

// make it hard to manage input (because we can't utilize // events, etc.)

public bool IsInputAllowed = true;

// The name of our component, set in the constructor. This

// is used by the Engine, because a GameScreen can be accessed

// by name from Engine.GameScreens[Name].

public string Name;

// Fired when the component's Initialize() is finished. This can

// be hooked for things like asynchronous loading screens public event EventHandler OnInitialized;

// Whether or not the component is initialized. Handles firing of

// OnInitialized.

bool inititalized = false;

public bool Initialized {

get { return inititalized; }

set { inititalized = value;

if (OnInitialized != null)


// Fire the OnInitalized event to let other's know we

// are done initializing OnInitialized(this, new EventArgs());




// Constructor takes the name of the component

public GameScreen(string Name)

{ // Setup our component collection

Components = new ComponentCollection(this);

// Register with the engine and set our name

this.Name = Name;


// Initialize the component

if (!Initialized)



// Overridable function to initialize the GameScreen

public virtual void Initialize()


this.Initialized = true;


// Update the screen and child Components

public virtual void Update()


// Create a temporary list so we don't crash if

/ a component is added to the collection while

// updating

List updating = new List();

// Populate the temporary list

foreach (Component c in Components)


// Update all components that have been initialized

foreach (Component Component in updating)

if (Component.Initialized)



// Draw the screen and its components. Accepts a ComponentType

// to tell us what kind of components to draw. Either 2D, 3D, or

// both. (Useful for drawing a reflection into a render target

// without 2D components getting in the way)

public virtual void Draw(ComponentType RenderType)


// Temporary list

List drawing = new List();

foreach (Component component in Components)


if (RenderType == ComponentType.Both)


// If the render type is both, we will draw all 2D or

// 3D components

if (component is I2DComponent || component is I3DComponent)



else if (RenderType == ComponentType.Component2D)


// If the render type is 2D, we will only draw 2D

// components

if (component is I2DComponent)



else if (RenderType == ComponentType.Component3D)


// If the render type is 2D, we will only draw 3D

// components

if (component is I3DComponent)





// Otherwise, we will draw every component regardless of type




// Keep a list of components that are 2D so we can draw them on top

// of the 3D components

List defer2D = new List();

foreach (Component component in drawing)

if (component.Visible && component.Initialized)


// If the component is visible and is not loading itself..

if (component is I2DComponent) {

// If it is 2D, wait to draw


} else


// otherwise, draw immediately



} // Draw 2D components

foreach (Component component in defer2D)



// Disables the GameScreen

public virtual void Disable() {

// Clear out our components


// Unregister from the Engine's list


// If the engine happens to have this screen set as the default

// screen, set it to the background screen in the Engine class

if (Engine.DefaultScreen == this)

Engine.DefaultScreen = Engine.BackgroundScreen;


// Override ToString() to return our name

public override string ToString()


return Name;






using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace Innovation


// A custom collection for managing components in a GameScreen

public class ComponentCollection : Collection


// The GameScreen to manage components for GameScreen owner;

public ComponentCollection(GameScreen Owner)

{ owner = Owner; }

// Override InsertItem so we can set the parent of the

// component to the owner

protected override void InsertItem(int index, Component item)


if (item.Parent != null && item.Parent != owner)


item.Parent = owner;

base.InsertItem(index, item);


// Override RemoveItem so we can set the paren of

// the component to null (no parent)

protected override void RemoveItem(int index)


Items[index].Parent = null;







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