
Input类有许多轻松获得所有最常用的键盘,鼠标和手柄键状态(见图10-1 )的属性。此类还提供了一些辅助方法来管理键盘输入,文字输入,但你可能不会在第一个游戏中使用的Input类的所有代码,但当你的游戏发展并使用更多的用户界面代码时,就会觉得它们的用处了。此类最重要的方法是Update方法,该方法每一帧都被调用(在BaseGame类的Update方法中被自动调用)。


请注意,Xbox 360中不存在鼠标功能,当您编译为Xbox 360时无法获得鼠标状态(没有这个类)。所以,你必须注释掉所有鼠标代码才能使游戏运行在Xbox 360。这并不轻松,尤其是在项目中有数以百计的鼠标调用时。一个较好的解决办法是完全隐藏鼠标状态(把它变成私有),只通过Input类的属性获取鼠标参数。正如你在图10-1中看得的那样,如果你要检查是否有另一个键或按钮被按下,你可以直接操作手柄和键盘状态,但对于鼠标,您只能通过Input类的属性。现在,如果运行在PC上,会返回所有属性,但在Xbox 360上,只返回false或虚拟的鼠标位置,您可以像在PC上一样设置并获得鼠标位置,但用户不能直接控制。


例如,Xbox 360 手柄的A键或键盘的方向键使用非常频繁。使用以下的代码,通过向上/向下键键盘浏览菜单条目非常容易。此外也支持手柄向上/向下控制光标,通过辅助属性使用左摇杆控制菜单更容易些。如果你每次都编写所有状态检查去判断一个键或一个按钮是否被按下或没按下,您可能一会儿就会发疯了。

// Handle GamePad input, and also allow keyboard input

if (Input.GamePadUpJustPressed || Input.KeyboardUpJustPressed)



selectedButton = (selectedButton + NumberOfButtons - 1) % NumberOfButtons; }

// if (BaseGame.GamePadLeftNowPressed)

else if (

Input.GamePadDownJustPressed || Input.KeyboardDownJustPressed)



selectedButton = (selectedButton + 1) % NumberOfButtons;

} // else if

GamePadUpJustPressed 方法代码如下:

/// <summary>

/// Game pad up just pressed


/// <returns>Bool</returns>

public static bool GamePadUpJustPressed




return (gamePadState.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed && gamePadStateLastFrame.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Released) || (gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y > 0.75f && gamePadStateLastFrame.ThumbSticks.Left.Y < 0.75f);

} // get

} // GamePadUpJustPressed




/// <summary>

/// Update, called from BaseGame.Update().



/// Will catch all new states for keyboard, mouse and the gamepad.

/// </summary>

internal static void Update()


#if XBOX360

// No mouse support on the XBox360 yet :(

mouseDetected = false;


// Handle mouse input variables

mouseStateLastFrame = mouseState;

mouseState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState();

// Update mouseXMovement and mouseYMovement

lastMouseXMovement += mouseState.X - mouseStateLastFrame.X;

lastMouseYMovement += mouseState.Y - mouseStateLastFrame.Y;

mouseXMovement = lastMouseXMovement / 2.0f;

mouseYMovement = lastMouseYMovement / 2.0f;

lastMouseXMovement -= lastMouseXMovement / 2.0f;

lastMouseYMovement -= lastMouseYMovement / 2.0f;

if (MouseLeftButtonPressed == false)

startDraggingPos = MousePos;

mouseWheelDelta = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue - mouseWheelValue;

mouseWheelValue = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue;

// Check if mouse was moved this frame if it is not detected yet.

// This allows us to ignore the mouse even when it is captured

// on a windows machine if just the gamepad or keyboard is used.

if (mouseDetected == false)

mouseDetected = mouseState.X != mouseStateLastFrame.X || mouseState.Y != mouseStateLastFrame.Y || mouseState.LeftButton != mouseStateLastFrame.LeftButton;


// Handle keyboard input

keysPressedLastFrame = new List(keyboardState.GetPressedKeys());

keyboardState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keyboard.GetState();

// And finally catch the XBox Controller input (only use 1 player)

gamePadStateLastFrame = gamePadState;

gamePadState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePad.GetState( PlayerIndex.One);

// Handle rumbling

if (leftRumble > 0 || rightRumble > 0)

{ if (leftRumble > 0)

leftRumble -= 1.5f * BaseGame.MoveFactorPerSecond;

if (rightRumble > 0)

rightRumble -= 1.5f * BaseGame.MoveFactorPerSecond;

Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePad.SetVibration( PlayerIndex.One, leftRumble, rightRumble);

} // if (leftRumble)

} // Update()


/// <summary>

/// Game pad rumble

/// </summary>

/// <param name="setLeftRumble" /> Set left rumble

/// <param name="setRightRumble" /> Set right rumble

public static void GamePadRumble( float setLeftRumble, float setRightRumble)


leftRumble = setLeftRumble;

rightRumble = setRightRumble;

} // GamePadRumble(setLeftRumble, setRightRumble)



/// <summary>

/// Mouse in box

/// </summary>

/// <param name="rect" /> Rectangle

/// <returns>Bool</returns>;

public static bool MouseInBox(Rectangle rect)


#if XBOX360

return false;


bool ret = mouseState.X >= rect.X && mouseState.Y >= rect.Y && mouseState.X < rect.Right && mouseState.Y < rect.Bottom;

bool lastRet = mouseStateLastFrame.X >= rect.X && mouseStateLastFrame.Y >= rect.Y && mouseStateLastFrame.X < rect.Right && mouseStateLastFrame.Y < rect.Bottom;

// Highlight happened?

if (ret && lastRet == false)


return ret;


} // MouseInBox(rect)




//Render background game.RenderMenuBackground(); //Show all buttons

int buttonNum =0;

MenuButton [] menuButtons ==new MenuButton []


MenuButton.Missions, MenuButton.Highscore, MenuButton.Credits, MenuButton.Exit, MenuButton.Back,


foreach (MenuButton button in menuButtons)

// Don’t render the back button

if (button !=MenuButton.Back)

{ if (game.RenderMenuButton(button,buttonLocations [buttonNum ]))


if (button ==MenuButton.Missions)

game.AddGameScreen(new Mission());

else if (button ==MenuButton.Highscore)

game.AddGameScreen(new Highscores());

else if (button ==MenuButton.Credits)

game.AddGameScreen(new Credits());

else if (button ==MenuButton.Exit) quit =true;



if (buttonNum >=buttonLocations.Length)




if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.M))

game.AddGameScreen(new Mission());

else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.H))

game.AddGameScreen(new Highscores());

else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.C))

game.AddGameScreen(new Credits());

else if (Input.KeyboardEscapeJustPressed)

quit = true;

//If pressing XBox controller up/down change selection

if (Input.GamePadDownJustPressed)

{ xInputMenuSelection = (xInputMenuSelection + 1) % buttonLocations.Length; SelectMenuItemForXInput();

}//if (Input.GamePad)

else if (Input.GamePadUpJustPressed)


if (xInputMenuSelection <= 0)

xInputMenuSelection = buttonLocations.Length;

xInputMenuSelection -;


}//if (Input.GamePad)

如果使用更多的控制元素,比如复选框,处理滚动条或编辑框,代码会更加复杂,在你重复地复制和粘贴相同的代码前,你应该引进UI类去处理所有的用户界面代码。如果你只需要使用一个编辑框,您也可以直接把代码写入Option类中,就像在Rocket Commander中做的那样,但是如果你使用多次,代码应该被重构。处理文本框在XNA中更复杂,因为你必须实现自己的键盘输入方法。




/// <summary>

/// Keyboard space just pressed?

/// </summary>

/// <returns>Bool</returns>;

public static bool KeyboardSpaceJustPressed




return keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && keysPressedLastFrame.Contains(Keys.Space) == false;

} // get

} // KeyboardSpaceJustPressed


/// <summary>

/// Test keyboard chat input

/// </summary> public static void TestKeyboardChatInput()


// Better version with help of Input.HandleKeyboardInput!

string chatText = "";

TestGame.Start("TestKeyboardChatInput", null, delegate

{ TextureFont.WriteText(100, 100, "Your chat text: " + chatText +

// Add blinking |

((int)(BaseGame.TotalTime / 0.35f) % 2 == 0 ? "|" : ""));

Input.HandleKeyboardInput(ref chatText);



} // TestKeyboardChatInput()


/// <<summary>

/// Handle keyboard input helper method to catch keyboard input /// for an input text. Only used to enter the player name in the /// game.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="inputText" />

Input text

public static void HandleKeyboardInput(ref string inputText)


// Is a shift key pressed (we have to check both, left and right)

bool isShiftPressed = keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift);

// Go through all pressed keys

foreach (Keys pressedKey in keyboardState.GetPressedKeys())

// Only process if it was not pressed last frame

if (keysPressedLastFrame.Contains(pressedKey) == false)


// No special key?

if (IsSpecialKey(pressedKey) == false &&

// Max. allow 32 chars

inputText.Length < 32)


// Then add the letter to our inputText.

// Check also the shift state!

inputText += KeyToChar(pressedKey, isShiftPressed);

} // if (IsSpecialKey)

else if (pressedKey == Keys.Back && inputText.Length > 0)


// Remove 1 character at end

inputText = inputText.Substring(0, inputText.Length - 1);

} // else if

} // foreach if (WasKeyPressedLastFrame)

} // HandleKeyboardInput(inputText)


下一个问题是,你不是总能将键值添加到您的输入文字中。首先无论用户是否按下Shift键,按“A”键总是在文本框中添加A。而一些特殊键 如+,-,{等等,将显示为“Plus”,“Minus”,“OemOpenBrackets”。为解决这个问题,如果XNA会为您提供键的真正意义应该不错,但它没有,你必须通过Input类中的KeyToChar辅助方法自己实现:

/// <summary>

/// Keys to char helper conversion method.

/// Note: If the keys are mapped other than on a default QWERTY

/// keyboard, this method will not work properly. Most keyboards

/// will return the same for A-Z and 0-9, but the special keys

/// might be different. Sorry, no easy way to fix this with XNA ...

/// For a game with chat (windows) you should implement the

/// Windows events for catching keyboard input, which are much better!

/// </summary>

/// <param name="key" /> Keys

/// <returns>Char</returns>;

public static char KeyToChar(Keys key, bool shiftPressed)


// If key will not be found, just return space

char ret = ' ';

int keyNum = (int)key;

if (keyNum >= (int)Keys.A && keyNum <= (int)Keys.Z)

{ if (shiftPressed) ret = key.ToString()[0];

else ret = key.ToString().ToLower()[0];

} // if (keyNum)

else if (keyNum >= (int)Keys.D0 && keyNum <= (int)Keys.D9 && shiftPressed == false)


ret = (char)((int)'0' + (keyNum - Keys.D0));


// else if

else if (key == Keys.D1 && shiftPressed)

ret = '!';

else if (key == Keys.D2 && shiftPressed)

ret = '@';

[etc. about 20 more special key checks]

// Return result

return ret;

} // KeyToChar(key)


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