18.6 着色器代码







// 将法线贴图的采样值转换到世界空间.
float3 NormalSampleToWorldSpace(float3 normalMapSample, float3 unitNormalW, float3 tangentW)
	// 将每个分量从[0,1]解压到[-1,1].
	float3 normalT = 2.0f*normalMapSample - 1.0f;

	// 创建TBN基.
	float3 N = unitNormalW;
	float3 T = normalize(tangentW - dot(tangentW, N)*N);
	float3 B = cross(N, T);

	float3x3 TBN = float3x3(T, B, N);

	// 从切线空间转换到世界空间.
	float3 bumpedNormalW = mul(normalT, TBN);

	return bumpedNormalW;


float3 normalMapSample = gNormalMap.Sample(samLinear, pin.Tex).rgb;
float3 bumpedNormalW = NormalSampleToWorldSpace(normalMapSample, pin.NormalW, pin.TangentW);


float3 N = unitNormalW;
float3 T = normalize(tangentW - dot(tangentW, N)*N);


图18.6 因为‖N‖=1,所以projN(T) = (TN)N。向量T− projN(T)是T垂直于N的部分。


#include "LightHelper.fx"
cbuffer cbPerFrame
	DirectionalLight gDirLights[3];
	float3 gEyePosW;

	float  gFogStart;
	float  gFogRange;
	float4 gFogColor; 

cbuffer cbPerObject
	float4x4 gWorld;
	float4x4 gWorldInvTranspose;
	float4x4 gWorldViewProj;
	float4x4 gTexTransform;
	Material gMaterial;

// Nonnumeric values cannot be added to a cbuffer.
Texture2D gDiffuseMap;
Texture2D gNormalMap;
TextureCube gCubeMap;

SamplerState samLinear
	AddressU = WRAP;
	AddressV = WRAP;
struct VertexIn
	float3 PosL     : POSITION;
	float3 NormalL  : NORMAL;
	float2 Tex      : TEXCOORD;
	float3 TangentL : TANGENT;

struct VertexOut
	float4 PosH     : SV_POSITION;
    float3 PosW     : POSITION;
    float3 NormalW  : NORMAL;
	float3 TangentW : TANGENT;
	float2 Tex      : TEXCOORD;

VertexOut VS(VertexIn vin)
	VertexOut vout;
	// Transform to world space space.
	vout.PosW     = mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f), gWorld).xyz;
	vout.NormalW  = mul(vin.NormalL, (float3x3)gWorldInvTranspose);
	vout.TangentW = mul(vin.TangentL, (float3x3)gWorld);

	// Transform to homogeneous clip space.
	vout.PosH = mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f), gWorldViewProj);
	// Output vertex attributes for interpolation across triangle.
	vout.Tex = mul(float4(vin.Tex, 0.0f, 1.0f), gTexTransform).xy;

	return vout;
float4 PS(VertexOut pin, 
          uniform int gLightCount, 
		  uniform bool gUseTexure, 
		  uniform bool gAlphaClip, 
		  uniform bool gFogEnabled, 
		  uniform bool gReflectionEnabled) : SV_Target
	// Interpolating normal can unnormalize it, so normalize it.
	pin.NormalW = normalize(pin.NormalW);

	// The toEye vector is used in lighting.
	float3 toEye = gEyePosW - pin.PosW;

	// Cache the distance to the eye from this surface point.
	float distToEye = length(toEye);

	// Normalize.
	toEye /= distToEye;
    // Default to multiplicative identity.
    float4 texColor = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
		// Sample texture.
		texColor = gDiffuseMap.Sample( samLinear, pin.Tex );

			// Discard pixel if texture alpha < 0.1.  Note that we do this
			// test as soon as possible so that we can potentially exit the shader 
			// early, thereby skipping the rest of the shader code.
			clip(texColor.a - 0.1f);

	// 法线映射

	float3 normalMapSample = gNormalMap.Sample(samLinear, pin.Tex).rgb;
	float3 bumpedNormalW = NormalSampleToWorldSpace(normalMapSample, pin.NormalW, pin.TangentW);
	// Lighting.

	float4 litColor = texColor;
	if( gLightCount > 0  )
		// Start with a sum of zero. 
		float4 ambient = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		float4 diffuse = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		float4 spec    = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// Sum the light contribution from each light source.  
		for(int i = 0; i < gLightCount; ++i)
			float4 A, D, S;
			ComputeDirectionalLight(gMaterial, gDirLights[i], bumpedNormalW, toEye, 
				A, D, S);

			ambient += A;
			diffuse += D;
			spec    += S;

		litColor = texColor*(ambient + diffuse) + spec;

		if( gReflectionEnabled )
			float3 incident = -toEye;
			float3 reflectionVector = reflect(incident, bumpedNormalW);
			float4 reflectionColor  = gCubeMap.Sample(samLinear, reflectionVector);

			litColor += gMaterial.Reflect*reflectionColor;
	// Fogging

	if( gFogEnabled )
		float fogLerp = saturate( (distToEye - gFogStart) / gFogRange ); 

		// Blend the fog color and the lit color.
		litColor = lerp(litColor, gFogColor, fogLerp);

	// Common to take alpha from diffuse material and texture.
	litColor.a = gMaterial.Diffuse.a * texColor.a;

    return litColor;
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